Serene Waters
Located at Paddled South Brewing in High Point, North Carolina Spray Paint on Interior Wall, 12 ft high x 50 ft long, April 2021 See more photos and videos on Instagram: @jennariceart
Located at Paddled South Brewing in High Point, North Carolina Spray Paint on Interior Wall, 12 ft high x 50 ft long, April 2021 See more photos and videos on Instagram: @jennariceart
This mural of Basquiat was part of a collaboration with local artist Gina Franco (@ginaelizabethfranco). Franco painted the Andy Warhol on the left. Franco and Rice wanted to paint murals to memorialize the famous artists of the past. This is located (for a limited time) at the new Kotis Street Art Graffiti Park located off
Jean-Michele Basquiat Read More »
This mural is located inside of the new Cheesecakes by Alex in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. This painting was inspired by two Vincent van Gogh paintings: “Cafe Terrace Place” and “Starry Night over the Rhone.” Rice’s rendition of these paintings were rendered entirely in spray paint. She also added the Winston-Salem skyline to the background.
Cafe Winston-Salem Read More »
This mural was a fun experiment for Rice, as she merged two images by superimposing an image of the Earth over a child’s face. Rice’s aim was to represent how we are all children of the earth- and a reminder to everyone to help raise the next generation to be kind to the earth and
The Light II was my second rendition of an original mural I painted in High Point, North Carolina.
Acrylic and Enamel, 12 x 10 ft Located at the Tavern Pizzeria located at 5211 E W Market St, Greensboro NC
“Majestic Goat” Spray Paint. 2019. Located on the back patio at The Bearded Goat in Downtown Greensboro, NC