Serene Waters
Located at Paddled South Brewing in High Point, North Carolina Spray Paint on Interior Wall, 12 ft high x 50 ft long, April 2021 See more photos and videos on Instagram: @jennariceart
Located at Paddled South Brewing in High Point, North Carolina Spray Paint on Interior Wall, 12 ft high x 50 ft long, April 2021 See more photos and videos on Instagram: @jennariceart
Located on the patio of The Bearded Goat in downtown Greensboro, NC Spray Paint on Exterior Wall, May 2021
A Kotis Street Art commissioned collaboration between @ag_pnt, @artistraman, and @jennariceart
Tribute to Elon Musk 2020 Read More »
This mural is located inside of the new Cheesecakes by Alex in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. This painting was inspired by two Vincent van Gogh paintings: “Cafe Terrace Place” and “Starry Night over the Rhone.” Rice’s rendition of these paintings were rendered entirely in spray paint. She also added the Winston-Salem skyline to the background.
Cafe Winston-Salem Read More »
This mural was a fun experiment for Rice, as she merged two images by superimposing an image of the Earth over a child’s face. Rice’s aim was to represent how we are all children of the earth- and a reminder to everyone to help raise the next generation to be kind to the earth and
Spray Paint on Plywood Boards This project was a painting of protest in support of the Black Lives Matter movement in downtown Greensboro, North Carolina. Rioting in downtown Greensboro led many businesses to board up their doors and windows in early June, 2020. Gina Franco and Jenn Graf coordinated a painting project downtown- connecting local
The Light II was my second rendition of an original mural I painted in High Point, North Carolina.